Chemise a la Reve by Candy Violet. It really is a dream and the ultimate dress for summer I think!
I was about to order this when it was released last year. Then I read a negative review on egl, saying it doesn't look at all like the picture or something, which made me stay away. Then this year's summer came around and I still couldn't get it out of my head!! I went on the Candy Violet website and..... found out she's stopped making them *sob*
Luckily I managed to find a girl on egl_comm_sales who wanted to sell hers!
I bought it

My expectations are not high but I hope it will be wearable at least!
The dress is an interpretation of Chemise a la Reine, a type of dress worn and made popular by Marie Antoinette when she resided at her country house Petit Trianon.
"I want something more... simple. Natural. To wear in the garden"