Friday, August 19, 2011

Something borrowed something pink

Lots of things has happened this summer...

Most spectacular thing is: I got married!

omg no just kidding ( ´ ▽ ` )οΎ‰

I attended a "wedding themed wedding" last weekend, in other words the dresscode was = bride or groom. And this is the outfit I came up with

OP, bag: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
headbow: Paris Kids
veil: handmade by me
wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
lace gloves: some vintage store
lace tights: H&M
shoes: Secret Shop
wedding ring (of course): golden ribbon ring from Chocomint lol

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I just came to say hello

A few weeks ago, my lover left me: my hard drive crashed. My MacBook froze and when I forced reboot......

there was a gray screen and the BLINKING FOLDER + QUESTION MARK OF DEATH!

And I never did a backup ever

Data recovery is mad expensive but since I have special connections it will cost me a dinner. I have hopes of getting most of my data back but damn

Learn the lesson from me kids! EVERY hard drive WILL DIE!!!!!!!!! It's only a matter of when. Back up your shit!

I'm on a borrowed computer but have NOT been in the mood for computers/internet lately. Anyhow I just wanted to say I'm alive. Even though my darling is not